A bit about me....
I am a Junior at the University of South Alabama majoring in Elementary Education. I discovered later in life that I would like to "empower the knowledge of students". I have always been interested in education and how children learn. My son, niece and nephew can tell you that I am passionate about not only getting school work done, but getting them to actually understand and comprehend the materials. My goal is to obtain a position as an elementary teacher and make learning FUN!!

As an elementary teacher I plan to use many methods in order to motivate students. In my classroom I plan to use the following educational tools: blogs, AVL, head fakes, podcasts and success. These tools should enable me to provide students with the tools they need to reach educational acheivement.

Happy Learning!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008


During their years in school, students face many "brick walls". That is, they are faced with obstacles that interfere with their dreams or even a simple math problem. It is important for students to face these walls head on and strive to overcome the "brick wall." It requires a dedication as a student while educators and parents should encourage our children and students in every area in order to reach complete educational achievement. Students should never fear success. It is important for students not to give up "Don't Bail". Students should get feedback and listen to it. Don't just say "okay", do something about it, also don't complain and most of all work hard. The most important step in being successful is showing gratitude, always think of others and others will think of you.

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